Low Disk Space Alert Using Grafana, Prometheus & Node Exporter

Low Disk Space Alert Using Grafana, Prometheus & Node Exporter

note: Assuming Prometheus and Grafana are already operational on Instance A for monitoring, we'll now configure Node Exporter to collect disk space details from Instance B.

prerequisites: Open port 9100 on the instance where you intend to collect disk details (Instance B)

1. Login to the Instance from which you want to get the Disk space details from (Instance B)

2. Download latest node exporter using the following command (prometheus.io/download)

sudo wget https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter/releases/download/v1.6.1/node_exporter-1.6.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz

3. Unzip the file

sudo tar xvfz node_exporter-1.6.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz

4. Move the node-exporter file from the folder to /usr/local/bin

sudo mv node_exporter-1.6.1.linux-amd64/node_exporter /usr/local/bin/

5. Create a new user node_exporter

sudo useradd -rs /bin/false node_exporter

6. Create a Systemd service for running node_exporter

sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service

The above command opens up a service file, copy and paste the following config over there.

Description=Node Exporter

7. Follow the below commands to start the systemd process

 sudo systemctl daemon-reload
 sudo systemctl enable node_exporter
 sudo systemctl start node_exporter
sudo systemctl status node_exporter

note: Node-exporter runs on port 9100. Make sure the port is open for this instance.

Login to the Instance where Grafana & Prometheus is currently running (Instance A)

1. open the prometheus.yml

sudo nano /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

add a new job_name: "node_exporter" under existing scrape configs and add your ip address with port 9100

scrape_interval: 3s


# the space for other job's

   - job_name: "node_exporter"
     scrape_interval: 3s
     static configs:
         - targets: [""]  # insert IP of Instance B here

2. follow the below commands for restarting the process

  sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  sudo systemctl restart prometheus
  sudo systemctl restart grafana-server

Setup alert using Grafana

1. Login to your Grafana and Go to Alerting

2. Click on Alert rules

2. Add new Alert rule

3. Switch to Code in right corner

4. Run the following query

max(100 - ((node_filesystem_avail_bytes * 100) / node_filesystem_size_bytes)) by (instance)

5. The query returns the "Percentage of Disk Space" used up by the instance. In the following image you can see percentage of disk space used by 5 different instances.

6. Specify the threshold memory percentage at which you want to receive an alert.

6. Save the rule and set up the contact point where you would like to receive notifications for alerts (e.g., Email, Discord, etc)"